CTAA welcomes the news that the Port of Melbourne has secured a long-term lease of approximately 29 hectares of the former Melbourne Markets site until 2066 in line with the existing 50-year port privatisation lease.
CTAA is particularly pleased that the Port of Melbourne has indicated that it will invest in developing the site for a “range of uses including truck parking facilities and container storage.”
More than just “truck parking”, there is a need for a state-of-the-art Truck Marshalling Area (TMA) linked to the operating systems of the terminals and other logistics facilities, giving greater visibility of heavy vehicle locations and readiness to be serviced.
Also, we should design the facility to be able to direct trucks to the TMA to await instructions and call-up during port congestion or other disruption events.
Port of Fremantle – 851,000 TEU p.a. – purpose-built TMA – VIEW HERE
Port of Melbourne – 3.2 million TEU p.a. – absolutely no TMA – leads to truck congestion on port roads like Intermodal Way – VIEW HERE
Let’s stop treating heavy vehicle drivers poorly in the Port of Melbourne!